Tiny House Network

So, I have this crazy idea. I suppose I have a lot of crazy ideas, not the least of which is building a tiny house in the mountains of North Carolina. I have been reading a lot of blogs from other tiny house builders. Several of them are in my blog roll. I just posted about a tiny house builder in Michigan today. I love reading new updates from Evan and Gabby. Andrew Odom is writing a blog about his tiny house and I've been following Will and his Tarleton since before we even started ours. I know there are countless others. What I am envisioning is a network of tiny house builders. A place where we can come together, share out experiences with the only other people in the world who can truly understand the process. We can share details of our build and ideas for improving things and reasons we chose for certain methods. I would love to create a Facebook or LinkedIn page (because those are free options) but not everyone is part of those networking sites. So what say you, Tiny Community Folks? Is there a place on this great big internet for us to get together and share our experiences with one another? Perhaps a place where all of our individual blogs can come together and inspire others to live the Tiny Life.


  1. I enthusiastically agree!

    Of course, my mentality has always been "jump in, do it, THEN work out the details later!" Yeah, some people might not be on Facebook or want to use it, but that doesn't mean there shouldn't be a place on Facebook for those who do. Besides, the way everything interconnects these days, I'm sure you'll be able to pick any one of those services and add functionality for the rest later.

    I say go for it! The community will follow. I'll join. :)

  2. Hello, by way of introduction I've been reading your blog and following your construction for quite awhile. I guess that's the cyber version of peeping Tom since I've never commented before.

    I'm more dreamer at this point than doer, although I have gotten a small camper van with plans to do a little ramble in it, but I've yet to really think about building my own small abode but it is amongst my dreams!

    Anyway, this post as well as introducing me to some new reading made me pop in to point out my own website endeavor. It's no Facebook for Tiny Housers but it's purpose is to bring together people who are interested in looking at unconventional or non-mainstream ways of living. In addition to a blog, it includes a forum which mostly has tumbleweeds blowing through right now. ;-)


    Hope you'll check it out! And best wishes with your Tiny House - it's been exciting to see the progress!

  3. Mark, thanks for pointing out your site. I am checking it out as we speak and it looks like a great way to network. I glad you spoke up to share it.

  4. Laura - my site is definitely one of those places that needs the input of others to flourish! I'm also open to guest posts. I had considered setting things up where people could have their own accounts/blogs there, but I think that's too ambitious for right now. I'm just hoping the forums can be useful. And if there's any broader subjects in the forum missing or subcategories needed (like maybe a construction category under housing), let me know!


  5. Hi. I came across your blog on tiny house forum. It is amazing how similar our stories are even down to the name of our significant others lol. My husband Matt and I are also building a house on 15 acres about 20 minutes from Asheville. Our plans came from Sheldon Designs in NJ and we changed them a bit so our cabin is 480 sq ft on the bottom floor counting our sun room. Including the loft it comes to about 600 sq ft.Here is a link to my GRIT blog about our experience building our house. http://www.grit.com/blogs/blog.aspx?blogmonth=8&blogyear=2010&blogid=4294967461

    Do you know of others in our area that are building small houses? We should have a small house Asheville group or something.

  6. Samantha, this is incredible. Looking at your photos bring back some memories - especially when we poured our concrete!

    I do know of at least one other person with a tiny house in Asheville. Well, I seem them driving it around from time to time but I haven't met them. I imagine in a town like Asheville we can probably find them pretty easily. And I'm guessing there are others like us that are doing it out in the mountains.

  7. We like your idea of an online forum and tiny house builder community. There are a few out there, but none as user-friendly as a Face Book Group may prove to be. You could also consider constructing a wiki?

    Funny how much of a community can spring up around such a tiny 'thing', isn't it? We've been so blessed by the community that's come alive around our project, and it would be fun to see more circles form. Thanks for being the spark!

    Evan & Gabby

    Btw: we just returned from a short trip to visit good friends in Black Mountain. As always, we return quite smitten with your neck of the woods!

  8. Black Mountain is an awesome town. Did you go to Pisgah Brewery while there? Next time you're in WNC let us know, we'd love to meet up.

  9. You BET we did. -And the tasty chocolate shop in town... We'll certainly get in touch before our next trip, thanks for suggesting it.

    Evan & Gabby

  10. Laura,
    Brilliant! Count me and my house in please.


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