Tiny House Changes in the Air and the Future

This seems like a good post for the first day of fall!  Happy equinox everyone.

I'm not ready to share all the details but I wanted to give my readers a heads up that within the next couple of years there would be some pretty big changes happening here at Life in 120 Square Feet.

Don't worry, the tiny house will play a major role.

In the meantime I wanted to share some of my thoughts about my place within the tiny house community.

In October I have the amazing honor of helping to run the very first conference specifically designed for women without children. Being childfree by choice has been a big part of my identity as a woman, especially as I reached 40, and I've been working with The NotMom blog for several years. We finally decided the time was right so here we are about to launch a real life conference.

The reason I mention that is because not only am I the co-administrator of the entire event but I will be speaking on a panel titled "Lasting Impressions: Philanthropy, Volunteering, and Work that Gives Back." This topic is extremely important to me. As a childfree woman I have been told, far too often, that I am selfish and shallow for taking this path in life. I think it is important to break that stereotype and volunteering is extremely important to me.

That being said, volunteering and the tiny house go hand in hand. It was because of the tiny house that Matt and I had the opportunity to visit South Africa in 2011 and work with a group to build a sustainable shelter for orphans and other vulnerable Zulu children living in the townships outside Durban.

And now we are volunteering on a more local level.

We are working with the Asheville Small Home Advocacy Committee and the city of Asheville to make small and tiny homes more legally viable. We believe this could be one answer for the affordable housing crisis that affects our city. The city is interested and we are hoping to do more in the coming years.

Right now and for the foreseeable future this will be the biggest push for me as a tiny house activist. Our tiny home gave us many opportunities and we are grateful. There are things we couldn't have done, both with our time and money, if we had not built our tiny home. Because our experience was transformative I want to help others find ways to do this in their lives.

You can read about that experience at our website www.ashevilleshac.org.

So what else is on the horizon and why do I have to be rather cryptic? Ultimately it is not my story to tell, not yet anyway, but there are things that will affect my life moving forward that will be an incredibly positive experience.

In many of our talks about tiny house living Matt and I have been asked about our relationship and how it was affected by building a tiny house. I have become fond of saying, "We've been together a long time and building a tiny house was just one more weird thing in a long list of weird things we've done."

I think that sums it up nicely.

Rest assured the next phase will be one more weird thing, but weird doesn't mean bad. It just means unexpected. Stay around to find out more.


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