What We Did on our British Vacation

Much like Ryan Mitchell of the Tiny Life, one of the best benefits of our lifestyle is the ability to travel. Our expenses are low so we can save money to go toward experiences, we don't accumulate much stuff, and we both work jobs that can be location independent. This means if we wanted to we could pack up for months at a time.

This trip, however, was prearranged with friends who recently moved from Michigan to Texas. See, our NFL football team was playing a game at Wembley Stadium in London and we figured this was a once in a lifetime chance to see them. So we went.

We were in London for 10 days with the Lions game in the middle. We didn't want to go only for the game - we wanted to explore the area. Here is our trip in photos.

The Lions at Wembley

Hampton Court Palace, home of Henry VIII

Tom Baker's real costume from Doctor Who

The Gothic spire at Cardiff Castle in Wales

A fire place at Hampton Court

Carnaby Street

A view of London

Look Kids, Big Ben!

A historic marker for John Lennon

A view of the Thames and the London Eye

Matt requested this photo of the Iron Maiden beer

Me, wearing a 12th Doctor shirt, next to the 12th doctor's costume.

A view from the London Eye

The NFL Fan Rally on Saturday at Trafalgar Square

This guy

Matt at Hampton Court Palace - this should be an album cover

Cardiff Castle

Entering Wembley

The trip was fantastic. There are so many things that I didn't get photos of. The food. The beer. We spent quite a bit of time at a place near our hotel called The Craft Beer Co. It was, as you might imagine, a craft beer pub. We frequently stopped there before meeting up with our friends for dinner. Food highlights for me included Punjab, a north Indian restaurant right behind our hotel, and Belgo, an amazing Belgian restaurant.

My favorite part of the trip was visiting Cardiff. We took a train from London. I wanted to go to the Doctor Who Experience, which was about what I expected. But I wasn't expecting to really love the city. It was exactly my pace. We explored the castle, the downtown area, the waterfront. We found another great craft beer place called The Urban Tap House. I would love to spend more time there.

I'd love to hear about your adventures this summer and fall. Where were you off to? 


  1. No pics from the Millenium center (home of Torchwood) Plaza with the vertical fountain? I'm saddened...

    1. I did get a photo of the Millennium Center but the lighting was bad and it wasn't the best so I didn't post it. I did make sure I saw it, though. And I tried to find the elevators...


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