Winter Work on the Mountain

Matt's brother came down to visit us this weekend. We were going up to the tiny house to chop down a tree that was dangerously close to the house and blocking the sun from the solar panels.

It figured, of course, that as soon as Jim arrived it began to snow. A light dusting of snow in the city of Asheville meant at least an inch on the ground in the mountains. But, we only had one day with Jim's help so we were heading up to the mountain no matter what.

Saturday I got up, put on my long johns, and we all hopped in the Element to drive up to Mt. Matt.
Let me take you through the event in photos.

I thought a nice photo of Chomsky in a winter landscape would be delightful.

The Folk N' Ale covered in snow.

Look - SNOW-lar panels! 

The sun through the trees. However, the problem at hand was once the trees have leaves again, the sun wouldn't get to the solar panels. We needed to solve this problem.

Tiny house in winter.

Matt wielding a chainsaw.

I just thought these trees were pretty when I looked up.

I took a short break inside to take some photos of tiny things. This is a little clock that we got from my parents.

And my sister gave us these tiny utensils. I should have put a nickle on the trivet with them for scale.

Chomsky even helped us with the project. We tied him to a rope to get him over the tree branches.
So, do you want to see what cutting down a tree on our mountain actually looks like? You're in luck.


  1. Hope this solves the problem and that you are now able to use your solar panel and the wood. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I suppose we will see in the spring when the trees have leaves! Let's hope this these trees didn't have to be cut down for nothing! Fingers crossed.

      Though I will say that we spent months in the summer and fall planning the best way to make this happen, so we should be fine now. We want to keep our mountain as natural as possible. We want to take down as few trees as possible.

  2. It is a tough decision with the trees. I was fortunate at THO because both the tiny house clearing and the solar panel/garden clearing were there. Lighting cleared these spots with fire a couple of years before I bought the land and a huge dead tree was all that was standing in the way of the garden clearing.
    I hope your chain saw operator was wearing protective gear. Hard to tell in the video. Doesn't take much kick back to lose your leg with those machines.
    All is going good at my place with the downed trees. They have been in 3 days now without incident. It is stressful work I think. Perhaps because my dad nearly took his leg off with a saw - despite having done everything right... A rough thing to witness and being he was 20 minutes tractor ride back to the house then, 30 minutes to the nearest hospital - he was lucky. 2 weeks in the hospital and a permanent limp - for sure not the worst outcome.

  3. Your gnome is wonderful!!!


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