Winter on Our Mountain

When Matt and I built our tiny house we made some very deliberate choices about power and systems. We decided to keep things as simple as possible from the start with the ability to add to the systems as time went on. Not only did we take this approach with the solar power, but also with heating. We knew that we planned to do some traveling during the winter, since we usually head up to Michigan to spend time with our families for the holidays. While we did insulate and winterize the house, we chose not to install a permanent heating solution, opting for a small space heater instead.

I do not regret this decision at all.

We have moved back to the city for the winter but we decided to spend this past weekend up at the tiny house. And, as it turns out, it was going to be pretty cold. As in 28-degrees-over-night cold.

And we were toasty inside our teensy house - especially up in the loft where we could snuggle under the blankets.

If you're wondering, we did not bring Piglet with us to the tiny house this trip. Being hairless, Piglet craves as much heat as possible and we didn't want to leave a space heater on while we were gone during the day. She remained at the house in the city where she could snuggle under blankets and lay on top of heat registers to her heart's content.

Like we often do when we are in the mountains, we decided to go for a hike. This one was the Spring Creek trail up near Hot Springs. It is a relatively short trail that leads down to a small river and back up again. We've done this hike before and it was perfect for a chilly day.

Most of the leaves are already off the trees that far north in the mountains. But we did see some color here and there.

We also went out to dinner and enjoyed the nearby towns once again.

On Saturday night, we pulled out the tiny holiday decorations. Yes, I know it isn't even Thanksgiving yet but in my defense the next time we are planning a trip back to the tiny house will be in December and I thought it would be nice to arrive to find it already decorated. So, we put the tree up in the loft and our tiny stockings on the ladder hooks over the door.


  1. So you don't live in the tiny house full time ?

    1. Thanks for asking, Mike. We do not live in the tiny house full time in the winter. We can, we just chose to design our lives so we could travel for the holidays and visit family and friends all over the country.

      Our tiny house is fully insulated and our space heater could easily be replaced by something more permanent. However, the one thing we can't change is that our house is half way up our mountain with no road access. We do get snow from time to time on the mountain which can make the hike a little more difficult.

      While building a tiny house was an important step to achieve the lifestyle we wanted, we were equally interested in being location independent so we could travel where and when we wanted to. We usually go on several big trips a year and always to visit family in Michigan over the holidays.

  2. Sounds great .... recently visited my brother who just bought a house (and mountain ) in Lansing NC , not to far from you .. So I can totally see why you decided to make that area your home... The views , the people , the small towns and of course the beers were awesome.. enjoy !!!


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