Cottage Creek: Official Music Video

Several months ago, Andrew Odom of Tiny r(E)volution put the call out to musicians to compose an original theme for the r(E)vo Convo podcast.

As the co-host, I shared his request with my own network and my nephew, Ryan, stepped up.

After a brief discussion about the kind of music Drew and I were looking for, Ryan submitted the song "Cottage Creek." It has been our theme music ever since.

He's just started a YouTube channel for his performances and original music. He's been writing since he was 10. Now you can see the official music video for "Cottage Creek" featuring some photos my sister took when they all came to visit our Tiny House earlier this year.

I believe that "Cottage Creek" is one of very few original songs composed about Tiny Houses. For any more you may have to check out Deek Deidricksen's "Lollypop Fort of Death" and the upcoming tiny house rap with Jay Shafer.

I hope you enjoy it!  

**The song is not called "Cabin Creek" as I originally typed several times in the post. In spite of the fact that it clearly said Cottage Creek in the video, I still managed to call it by the wrong name. I have edited it to reflect the correction.


  1. I love nephew Ryan's song. Thanks Ryan.

  2. P.S. The piece is called Cottage Creek. :)

  3. You're right. It even says it right there. I will edit it!


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