We went Camping and Lived to Tell About it

Well, "camping" is a strong word. We went Glamping. For the first 10 days of August we found ourselves in the wilderness of rural Minnesota with 12 friends at a small, private camping festival. It was delightful.

One of our friends and fellow glampers was Cara Schulz, author of the upcoming book Martinis and Marshmallows: A Field Guide to Luxury Tent Camping. You can read more at her blog.

A good time was had by all. I didn't take a lot of photos, but many of my friends did. I was given permission to share a few. Here they are in rather random order.

Our campsite hosts a 6 course dinner party for ourselves and several guests. Each year has a theme. This year we chose steampunk. Matt and I served peanut chicken satay over rice with Shiva IPA from Asheville.

Matt and our friend David enjoying 3pm cocktails.

Aww...a hug.

Matt played some music for our campsite around the fire. You can see Cara dancing toward the kitchen in the background.

Matt and Me during one of the cocktail hours. 

Several of us in the kitchen tent enjoying cocktails. 

This photo was taken by our friend Lamyka who flew all the way from Hawaii to camp with us. This was my outfit for the steampunk symposia. I hadn't intended to wear the dress with a long sleeve shirt and jeans but it was chilly out that night. 

My friend Teo took this gorgeous photo of the entire campsite under the old oak grove. 

Cara made this 3pm cocktail collage.

Another view of Symposia dinner

The table set with Star's pink tent in the background. 

This is Teo crouching in front of my tent. I think he was hiding from someone. 

Today, Matt and I are going to an Outdoor Gear show at Highland Brewery here in Asheville.
