Update on 120 Ideas for Tiny Living

Hi Folks. I just got back from a week's vacation in New Mexico and Arizona. It was fantastic.

Now that I am back though I am focusing on the book, which I originally planned to have out by my birthday - which is this Friday, March 29th.

That isn't going to happen.

I want to make sure I have the best product available for you and right now I believe that it needs a little bit more time to cook. Not much time, but a little.

It is currently off to the editor who has let me know they are a little under the weather so it may be a few days before I get it back. Then I need to get the proofs before I can release it to the public. I am hoping the delay will only be until Mid to Late April - in time for the Relax Shacks Workshop in Wilmington, NC.

So, folks - bear with me. I think you'll be glad you waited.

In the mean time, want to seem some of my vacation photos?

Sure you do! 

Frank Lloyd Wright's Arizona Estate, Taliesin West

A hummingbird in flight. Not bad for an iPhone photo

The grand canyon. They filmed "The Brandy Bunch Goes to the Grand Canyon" here

A photo of Mount Elden from Flagstaff, AZ. I really loved this town

And finally, your humble narrator on a hike to Jemez Falls north of Albuquerque
I have put these photos on backwards. The actual vacation started in Albuquerque and ended in Phoenix, but I didn't think you'd mind.


  1. What a beautiful trip, the Jemez area is one of my favorite spots to play when I lived in ABQ- can't wait to return!

  2. Welcome back. :) I love the American Southwest - it's where my family hails from - I have over 150 relatives in Santa Fe alone. Haha. My mom has 13 brothers and sisters and most of them live in Santa Fe. My dad grew up in Texas and so I have relatives all the way from Galveston, going along the Rio Grande to El Paso. I'm also part Navajo and my great great grandmother was from the reservation in Arizona. Alas, that's why I did southwestern art for so long: it's such a part of me. But since I live in the southeast, I knew I was going to have to tweak my creations for this area. I'm glad you got to see Arizona and New Mexico. Sacred places for me. :)

  3. Asheville is really one of the most gifted place in the whole world. A lot of beautiful places to roam around and I could say, a very peaceful place place to live too. Hope I could go back this summer.

  4. No Sedona! A trek through that country needs a day hiking in Sedona! I love that section of the country so different from Asheville. One dry the other green. But a a fellow Asheville resident we are probably biased. I had a choice to live in any place in the country and I Chose Asheville over Taos, Durango, Flagstaff, Nashville and Lexington who were close 2nd placers.


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