A Tiny Trip to the Tiny House

We've been spending most of our time at the city house this winter. Even here in the mountains the cold winter temperatures can drive you indoors. This weekend wasn't particularly warm, but we needed to head up to the tiny house to clean up after some fallen trees.

Our friend and neighbor brought up his monster chainsaw to help carve through the biggest tree that fell right behind the tiny house. While he and Matt were working outside, I did a little work inside to get the house ready for habitation again. I made the bed and I arranged the shelves.

Usually there is a guitar hanging in front of this shelf so you can't see what it on it. We have 4 ounce beer tasters that we've collected from beer festivals in Atlanta. They also make great wine glasses. We have photos of me and Matt as kids. We have books on bird and tree identification for the region. And gnomes.

We have someone coming out the end of this week to interview us for a local magazine. I'll keep you updated on that.

It was an overcast winter day. It was hard to be motivated to do any work. I cleaned some twigs off the main path to the tiny house. And I took some photos.

With the trees leafless you can really see the landscape of the mountain behind us.

Just around the corner from the tiny house there is a path that leads down to a large clearing. From the top of that path you can get this view. With the bare trees it feels like you can see for miles.

A little housekeeping.

By this I mean blog housekeeping, not house housekeeping.

Over at my Facebook page, I am getting very close to 1500 "likes." Once I get there I have a special give away courtesy of another tiny house blogger. I have no idea what I am going to do yet but one lucky Facebook fan will get something pretty cool.

Also, I have a big announcement coming this week. I am dying to tell you what it is but I can't until Wednesday. You're just going to have to wait.

Don't forget to check out Tiny House Talk and Tiny House Listings. I write for both of these blogs and love every second of it. Both blogs have a great team of writers providing tiny house news for everyone. 

Like I said, we're being interviewed at the end of this week and I'll certainly keep you updated. Now that spring is springing we will be back up at the tiny house more frequently and will start posting more tiny living updates.


  1. You do have a nice view in the winter, too bad it's cold. Ideally I'd have a summer Mountain tiny home, and one here in florida for the winter ... Life would be more perfect !!

    1. Currently planning my own small house...going to see the land in a few days, have drawn up the plans, etc. Hard to believe it will soon be a reality!

    2. Currently planning my own small house (240 sq ft) while living in my tiny (106 sf) camper. Going to see the land in a few days, have drawn up my plans, etc. Can't believe it will soon be a reality!


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