Other Asheville TIny Houses...sort of

Every year the Grove Park Inn in Asheville hosts the National Gingerbread House competition. Gingerbread builders of all ages and skills create edible masterpieces which are then displayed in the beautiful and historic Inn.

Turns out, the 700 Square Foot city house is totally walking distance to the Grove Park Inn. It is uphill, but it is a nice walk, so we wandered that way earlier this week. They allow viewings by locals during the week and tourists, I believe on the weekends.

I thought I would share some of these teeny houses - and some designs that weren't houses at all.

This Alice in Wonderland themed house of cards would be of interest to several of my friends.
See the teeny Cheshire Cat? This was a teen entry, if I recall correctly.
This 100 Acre Woods themed house was a child's entry! 
All the food made of food! 
You can barely see it in this photo, but the barn said "See Rock City"!
A lovely advent calendar house.
I loved this 12 Days of Christmas
I wish I could have gotten a better photo of this but it was placed awkwardly. It is a cat looking at herself in the mirror.
 I didn't get a photo of the grand prize winner - it was behind glass and I couldn't get a photo that wasn't horribly blurry or with the glare of the flash. However, the grand prize winner wasn't nearly my favorite. This one was. I'm sorry the photo isn't the best - there were lots of people standing around so I couldn't take my time.

It was called "Not a Creature was Stirring". Look at all that detail!
I did get a photo of the baby mice sleeping in their walnut shells. SOOO cute!  

Our trip back down to Asheville is almost over. We're heading back up to Detroit until just after Christmas. I really miss Piglet - she's been staying with Matt's mom. I'm sure there will be some fun holiday adventures to share - the rest of our trip is booked solid with events of one sort or another. See you all soon.

Happy Holidays! 


  1. Based on your descriptions of distance, etc., I'm pretty sure the 700 sf house is in my old neighborhood. I used to live at the Manor Inn--the big green building near the end of Charlotte Street. As a matter of fact, I worked at the Grove Park Inn during that time and would sometimes walk up Macon Ave. to work. So, yeah, this post made me a little nostalgic! I just found your blog not too long ago and I love knowing there are tiny-house-dwellers in my area.

    1. Hi Haley,
      Thanks for reading! Yes, it does sound like we are in the same neighborhood. I really love how easy the walk to downtown is from there as well as the Grove Park Inn. I'm going to enjoy my winter of city life for sure!


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