Christmas in 180 Square Feet

We're back in Michigan for the rest of the Holidays. Since we're here for a while we thought we would bring our tiny tree and set it up to give our lives a little holiday ambiance. We've had this little lime green tinsel tree for about 10 years. A few years ago we decided to get some pretty glass ornaments to hang from it. Each of the ornaments represents something from Greek Mythology.

My friend, neighbor and fellow blogger, Cyndi, has started a holiday photo project over at her blog. She's been doing a lot with photography and I've been inspired by her work. I was looking at a couple of the photos that I snapped of the tree and I wondered if I could do some photo effects to make them better. I am by no means a pro at this stuff, but why not give it a shot. Here are a couple that I liked after I did some modifications. If you want to see much prettier pictures, go to Cyndi's blog above.

How are you decorating your tiny space for the Holidays? Do you have any traditions that you like to share?


  1. I have a Christmas Shrub! I hate killing a live tree for a holiday and I hate storing things I don't use but a few weeks of the year so I ended up buying a small spruce shrub which I have potted and will live on my patio through the year and get all dolled up for the big holiday season! It's kind of adorable, I won't lie ;-)

    I LOVE the Greek Mythology theme!

  2. Aw shucks! Thank you so much for the promo! Your photos are beautiful and I'm blushing over here that you are inspired by the Christmas Photo Project. :)
    You are da bomb! :) I hope your holiday season is going well. Many hugs and season's greetings to you!

  3. We have a small tree that my grandmother made for us by covering cones of chicken wire with garland--just add ornaments and poof! Pretty little tree. And it's a great conversation starter.


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