Jazzing the place up a bit

We had always intended to do some additional decorative trim on the house. But we spent a lot of time focusing on the necessary construction projects and put off things like trim. We even decided to build the outdoor kitchen and Folk N Ale before finishing the trim on the outside of the house.

But the wait is over! We have trim!

The look we were going for is sort of a Board and Batten look. Except, we don't have boards and battens - we have stained plywood siding and some 1X2s to cover up some seams. In fact, we did some serious debating whether we wanted to put our "battens" ever foot like traditional board and batten. We finally settled on putting them ever two feet because we liked the way it turned out. Heck, we can always add the additional pieces if we ever decide to change it up.

So here is what we have.

You can't really tell in this photo but the windows and window trim are the same gray as the metal roof.

While we were working on the house, Piglet was pretty upset that she was left out. Or, left in as the case may be.

Piglet! We're out here!

I'm really happy with the way it looks. Also, the dark wood stain with the gray was intended to match the barn that was already on the land.

Here is an old photo of the barn in winter from January 2009. Oh, and my Element - super cute!


  1. I find it interesting that for whatever reasons the cost of land and building are so outrageous that even the most hardworking people must resort to living in tiny houses if they ever hope to own a home & land outright without being held underneath lifetime mortgage payments. Has the American Dream taken a huge step back to the way life was 200 years ago?

    1. It is time that we all found new dreams that have nothing to do with over consumption and waste of the earth's finite resources.
      xo L

  2. This was by no means a last resort. Our lifestyle is a deliberate choice.

  3. While we can certainly continue on living at current income vs outgoing...it's a bit tight (my being on a fixed income now,"disablility"),but we're hoping to downsize in the coming year or so ourselves,like you,deliberately,not out of economic reasons.

    New digs look great,IMO :)


    1. What I find saddest and the scariest of all is not only the lack of living wage jobs and the need for a large minority of people to depend on the gov't (disability, social security, public asst, etc.) but the fact that their are politicians trying to end gov't support which will throw so many millions into poverty and on the street. Tiny Houses could be part of the answer.

  4. Looks beautiful! I am curious as to why you chose NC. Is it legal to live off the grid there? Where I live on Long Island it is not. I want an off the grid tiny house SO bad but am having difficulty finding a legal place to park it.

    I love your blog! It is so inspiring. :)

    1. I'm really glad you like it - thanks for stopping by.

      We picked North Carolina because we wanted to live here. We fell in love with the Asheville area and knew it needed to be "home." We chose a place that was rural so that we could build our house here according to our specs but we are also close enough to Asheville that we go into town all the time.

  5. Hi Laura, The trim looks great! So does Piglet! What a cutie! Sorry about not crediting you on the most recent post... I have corrected such matter now that I have seen your name there.
    Is it getting fall up there on the mountain yet? I am really looking forward to peeking in on you when it is cold, I have to say! I really want to know what it is like to live tiny when the big world outside is covered in ice.
    Best of the best from my THO to you
    xo L

  6. I'll have to remember that one. Thanks for sharing.


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