I am just a House Carpenter

And now for this musical break.

We just got back from Asheville.  Matt spent the last week up there and really loved being in the Tiny House. He is adjusting well to being back in the city, though. I drove up on Saturday to see what he had finished during the week.  He said he wasn't sure how things were going to go because he's never done finish carpentry.  But then again, he never did rough carpentry before starting to build either, so that turned out fine.

 While I was gone he did the trim on all the windows, around the counters and around the upper perimeter of the house including the loft fronts.  It looks great. He also modified the ladder with new features.  It is now a movable ladder. With the new movable ladder I got up into the storage loft for the first time ever!  Yay me.  I was only a little terrified.

On Saturday, I tung oiled all of the new wood in the house.  Matt did some work on the front door. It is still a temporary door, but we just wanted it to look better than having a rough piece of plywood screwed to it.  So we framed it out with some trim, cut the plywood to size and attached it in the opening. Then, on the front, we took some decorative trim, tung oiled it, and nailed it in to give it just a little pop.  It'll be fine now until we get around to building a better door one day.

So, I know you are all here just for the photos.  Without further ado...Photos!

The new feature on the ladders - Hooks! 

And the ladder accessing the storage loft.
Loft window frame.

Working on the door.
Say Cheese!
Finished door...for now. Hi Chomsky
A look at the trim.
A view from the inside
100% finished counters with trim.  We coated the counters with salad bowl oil.
Dining room with window trim and the table folded down.

I promise I will be updating the flikr page one of these days. Keep an eye on that.  The next trip up will be in the middle of October, so stay tuned for more updates. 


  1. Thanks for the update. The house is looking great, too!


  2. Wow this house looks beautiful! I'd love a world where everybody lived like this :) Can't wait to see what comes next!

    (from impossibleleague)

  3. Matt and Laura,

    I live in Asheville and have been considering building a Tumbleweed type cottage on a permanent foundation. Would you be willing to let me see yours?


  4. Hi Karen. Thanks for your interest in our tiny house. With our trip to South Africa coming up in a couple of weeks and then spending the Holidays back in Detroit with the family, our schedules are looking pretty tight until next year. We would love to get together with you sometime in Asheville to talk about Tiny Houses and options for foundations. I do know someone else in the area who has built a larger small house (about 400 square feet) on a permanent foundation who might also be worth talking to. I'll see if I can connect you with them as well.

  5. This. Looks. Amazing. I keep remembering when we helped you guys put the walls up . . . and now it's at the trim carpentry bit. Wow. Looks fantastic.


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